#333 AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda KNEW Nov 8, 2022 Maricopa County Committed Election Crimes By Having No Chain Of Custody For How Many Voters Checked-In At The Polls (ARS 16-602) BUT Did NOTHING! 1 Reason Why KARI LAKE NOT Governor NOW. Re-Elect Gina 1/25?
LISTEN: How We Got Into the Mess Our World is Now in. It Was Planned Long Ago. Dr. John Coleman: "Black People of America, Do Not Trust The Democrat Party. You Are Dispensable to Them.
Samurai Pizza Cats: Blast from the Past (Nintendo Switch and PS4) Sneak Preview Trailer [ Yes sir boys and Girls,Polly Esther from a Classic Old School Cartoon/Anime Gem is BACK for a New Action/RPG Game!!]