2 years agoThose who believe in this Word will reach the Mountain Summit ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 59 / 366The Book of the true Life
2 years ago09.25.2022 (PM) Ephesians 3 - Strengthened in the Inner Man | Ptr Steven Anderson, Faithful Word BCHard Preaching
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2 years ago09.25.2022 (AM) Luke 14:1-14 Table Talk with Jesus | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago11.02.2022 Luke 18:15-17 Biblical Practices Concerning Children | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago11.09.2022 Luke 19:11-27 | The Parable of the Ten Pounds | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago11.06.2022 (PM) Luke 18:31-43 | What the Blind Man Saw | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago11.06.2022 (AM) Luke 18:18-30 | The Rich, Young Ruler | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago11.27.2022 (AM) Luke 21:1-4 | The Widow's Mite | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago12.04.2022 (PM) Luke 20:20-47 | A Battle of Wits with Jesus | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago12.04.2022 (AM) Matthew 2: The Christmas Spirit, Joy | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
2 years ago01.04.2023 Luke 21:29-38 | Life Principles from Prophecy | Pastor Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist ChurchHard Preaching