2024 Candidate for Florida Congressional District 3 - Tom Wells | Democratic Candidate

17 hours ago

Tom Wells grew up during a time of significant social and political change, deeply influenced by his father's medical career, which included service in the Army Medical Corps and later as a chief-of-surgery at a VA hospital. His father's dedication to providing care without regard to race or ability to pay, especially in a segregated mid-Georgia mill town, left a lasting impression on Tom. This background instilled in him the values of honesty, service, and a commitment to helping others, though his initial path led him to pursue a PhD in theoretical physics.

In the years following his academic achievements, Tom became increasingly disheartened by the societal and political regressions he observed. He watched as the ideals his father championed—equality, justice, and accessible healthcare—were undermined by growing inequities and injustices. The emergence of Bernie Sanders in 2015, with his focus on social justice and systemic change, galvanized Tom to become more actively involved in politics, leading him to engage deeply with his community, discussing and studying the issues at hand.

Tom's decision to run for Florida's Congressional District 3 was sparked by a realization that his lifelong experiences had uniquely prepared him for political leadership. Since his first campaign in 2016, he has been a persistent advocate for progressive policies such as Medicare for All, public funding of elections, and the Green New Deal. His platform is built on a foundation of social justice, economic reform, and climate action, aiming to address the root causes of political and social malaise he has identified over decades of observation and study.

Tom Wells is motivated by a sense of urgency and responsibility, particularly in light of recent threats to democracy and civil rights. He views the upcoming elections as a critical juncture for the country, emphasizing the need for active participation and vigilance to preserve democratic values. His campaign is driven by a belief in the power of informed and engaged citizens to bring about meaningful change, reflecting the lessons learned from his father's unwavering dedication to service and equality.

Learn more about his candidacy
Website: https://www.tomwellsforcongress.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2qKO0mdh4zG2PFfhmKljyg
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/TomWellsForCongress?_rdc=1&_rdr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tomwellsforcongress/
X (formerly Twitter): https://x.com/TomWells2022

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