Abraham Hicks—How to Approach Your Medium with Your Questions! Do Not Get Lost in “Tell Me What I Need to Know.” Instead Say: “THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW.” | Note: Due to Usually Weak Subconscious Minds Abraham DOES NOT Recommend Ouija!
USA DIVIDED: The Breaking of Social Bonds That Connect Us! | Gregg Braden on the Difficulty of Our Current Shift, and What You Can do While We Transition to 5D.
Project Camelot: “America Update” 1/5/22 🇺🇸 [ OPINION ONLYYY! ] — My Notes: ❶ I don’t agree with Kerry’s belief of JFK Jr. ❷ The Timeline Detour we took at the 2020 Election does not bode well for the future!
Dark Side Of The Ring (S3 E13) | They All Found Happiness and Would Do it ALL Again! It Was Their Path. It Was How, and for Them, the ONLY WAY at That Point They'd Grow. If There's Need to Judge [Your ONLY WAY Available] You May Also Hate/Judge.
This is EXACTLY How YOU and YOUR EX, How You and Your Friend Whose Heart YOU Broke, How You and Your Enemy, Rapist, Abusive Parent(s), Killer(s), Other Heartbreakers, Opponents and Oppositions Graciously See Each Other in the Non-Physical!