Florida Amendment Would Protect ALL Unborn Babies in '24

1 year ago

Human lives are at stake in the ongoing battle in Florida to get the Human Life Protection Amendment added to the state Constitution, explains Mark Minck, chairman of Protect Human Life Florida.

While Florida is becoming one of the top states in the US for overall freedom, ironically, there is NOTHING in Florida's constitution protects pre-born human life, he said.

And so, step one will be for Minck and other concerned citizens to gather close to a million petition signatures to put the issue before voters next election.

Learn more about how YOU can get involved to protect pre-born human life at http://humanlifefl.com/

In News, Alex goes through:

--Democrat Senator asks Fed and Treasury officials if there is a program in place to censor social media to prevent bank runs. The answer, according to Congressman Thomas Massie, was "We will get back to you on that.”

--Also working to censor financial "disinfo" and "misinfo" - DHS efforts are already underway to add censorship of "financial misinformation" to CISA's portfolio of "critical infrastructure" domains so it can classify tweets as a cyber-attack on, and thus censor.

--Fed announces limitless money printing to prop up banking sector and creation of "new Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP),: "To support American businesses and households, the Federal Reserve Board on Sunday announced it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors. This action will bolster the capacity of the banking system to safeguard deposits and ensure the ongoing provision of money and credit to the economy."

--This will lead to disaster. Moral hazard. Bet it all to get bonus, get bailed out by US when you lose. The FDIC insuring the deposits over their $250,000 guarantee for woke tech companies and Venture Capital funds who have large deposits in SVB is a bail out by another name !

--Economists warn that Biden’s extraordinary action to make more than $200 billion in additional government funds available to customers whose deposits were not covered by federal insurance at two collapsed banks is the first step toward government control of the banking system. Steve Hanke, a professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University who served on President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers, said it moves the banking sector closer to a public utility or government-backed entity.

--Over one thousand migrants try to rush across US-Mexico Border into El Paso, Texas.

--Jeff Bezos propaganda outlet Washington ComPost, with its silly slogan "democracy dies in darkness," is angry that fascist minions in government won't be able to lock everyone in their houses again and shut down local businesses so you have to buy all your cheap Chinese junk from his evil company.

--DHS has a program gathering domestic intelligence — and virtually no one knows about it, according to Politico. Collecting information from Americans raises ongoing civil liberties concerns.

--Daily Caller reports that Republican lawmakers are proposing an amendment to the House of Representatives’ rules which would explicitly bar Congressional members from “collaboration” with a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence service, according to a copy of the resolution shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

--Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang just said about the current state of his country’s relationship with the United States…“If the United States does not hit the brake, but continues to speed down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing and there surely will be conflict and confrontation,” said Qin, whose new position is junior to the Communist Party’s senior foreign policy official, Wang Yi. “Such competition is a reckless gamble, with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity.”

--After recently signing a statute permitting the slaughter of unborn babies up to the moment of birth, signed an executive order Wednesday making the North Star State a sanctuary for gender transitions, including for residents of other states with more conservative laws. Fox affiliate KMSP reports that under Executive Order 23-03, state agencies are to coordinate to preserve transition “access” and investigate and punish “unfair or deceptive practices related to the denial of gender-affirming health care services”

--In just two days Disney will kick off their “Disney Pride in Concert” series with the notorious San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus which is best known for infamously promising to “corrupt your kids” concerning the gay agenda. Fresh effort at "DumpDisney.com" to get families to join the hundreds of thousands of families that are already boycotting Disney.

--The story I broke recently in the Epoch Times about the self-proclaimed gender-queer shapeshifter blood-witch doing LGBT training for adults and kids in Poudre school district. Fox, Daily Caller, Breitbart, and all the other big ones have now jumped on it.

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