The Glass Ceiling of Christianity, Why God Allowed The Romanov Dynasty's Fate + Why Nuclear War WON’T Happen, But "Little Boy" A-Bombs Are Possible, and Your Best Course of Action with That!
God-Source — Why an Orgasm? | WE in 5D: Even [ I ] Was Shocked That Josh [Aethereal Alchemist] Understood This So Well; Making for a Great 2-Way Explanation! Most Still Will Not Understand This Just Yet.
Shadow-Work Through Facing the Wounded Inner-Child..... to Heal it. | Often Thought of as a Dance Act by the Casual Radio Listener, Few Note That Half of Her #1 Hits are Some of the Most Prolific Ballads in Popular Music. Madonna – Oh Father.
Re-upload Because 1st Time Did Not Work: Penn State: Jeff, Jon & Myself Start Preaching, Then Crowd Is Drawn, I Stomp On Koran, Homosexual Rages At Jeff, We All Pray For Him, Homosexual Blares Boom Box, I Pray Boom Box Breaks & Then It Breaks!