URGENT: "They poisoned all Humans in the world" with Dr. Robert Young, USA - Swiss Territory born Swiss Government Sponsored Global Crime against Humanity & Treason on United States - Swiss in U.S. Crosshairs EO 13818
Alex Jones “WENT THERE” Today (6/8/23)…….. Project Blue Beam, A.I., No Beginning & No End, Reincarnation, and a WHOLE Lot More; Semi-Challenging What is Thought of as His Christian Core Audience! | Opens with 4 Min WE in 5D Commentary/Intro.
CBDC | "It's the End of the Dollar System. The End Is Near for the U.S. Dollar. It's Going to Wipe Out Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds & ETFs. The Only Reason Our Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds Are Up Is Because the Fed Just Kept Printing