Ukrainian Baby Factories Fuel About a Quarter of the Global Child and Organ Trafficking

7 months ago

They operate by accepting embryos that have been “donated.” There is a lot of dishonesty involved in this business. They say that they dispose of the extra embryos or that they don't take - but that’s often not the case. They often lie about the ones that are successfully implanted in surrogates.

This particular company is called BioTexCom. They keep very “poor” medical records, so no one knows what is really going on.

When dealing with multiple eggs, it is easy to take advantage of the situation and say that only 1 egg was successfully fertilized when in fact six might have been. Thus, there may be multiple embryos produced for every "customer" and that customer is totally unaware.

The Ukraine is a failed state, an unregulated state, a lawless state and is a home for nefarious companies that desire no regulations on following set laws as they are not enforced and if they are all it takes is a little $ to avoid investigations.

Wealthy Foreigners are usually the donators as infertility rates are skyrocketing worldwide, desperate mothers donate eggs and many donate multiple embryos in hope for one healthy baby.

Ukraine uses poor, but supposedly healthy Surrogates to have the babies. One couple can produce multiple babies, but they are only informed of one, if even that.

Hopefully people can see how this works. Most countries are banning these “baby factories” as there is so much money in human trafficking business and when dealing with the eggs, there are more times than not, accountability issues.

This video was from an episode of Redacted with Clayton and Natali Morris.

SOURCES: – Inside a Ukrainian Baby Factory – Ukraine’s baby factories rake in record profits amid chaos of war - The Grayzon

Video Source: --

END. 1/27/2024.

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