Dr. Peter McCullough | Bird Flu Plandemic Propaganda Exposed | Man Made Virus? | How is Culling and Vaccination Making it Worse? | Food Supply Shortage | How Can We Prepare For it All?
Andy Schectman | Is the Price of Silver Getting Ready to Explode? | Who Has Suppressed the Price? | Teaching Children about the Compounding of Money & Time
BREAKING: Massachusetts COVID Death Certificates - FELONY FRAUD? | Lied Saying Covid Injection Deaths Due to Covid? | John Beaudoin Sr. - Part 1 | The Real CdC
Andy Schectman | The Destruction of America From the Inside Out | “What is Coming Will Render You a Victim if You Are Not a Contrarian” | How Can We Get Prepared?
Culture War | Are Parasites Connected to Several Disease States? | Guest: Dr. Jason Dean the Parasite Killer | “You Know You Have Parasites if You Have a Pulse”