Rand Paul – “The NIH is more Secretive than the CIA”

12 days ago

Rand Paul gives his opinions on the June 3, 2024 hearings that took place -- House Select Committee on the Coronavirus.

Did the NIH actually help create this so called “Coronavirus”?

Are the top buffoons at the NIH playing both sides?

Creating the Virus in compartments – so it is difficult to follow the “gain of function”, which is making viruses that are very contagious and harmful.

Then creating the solutions and collecting royalties of these “treatments” – it was mentioned in these hearings on June 3, 2024 that NIH received over $700 million.

Greed can really corrupt humans who have no care for other humans.

It is time for the criminally corrupt who work at these 3 letter “health” agencies to be criminally prosecuted. It should start with Fauci first.

When he faces potential prison time for the rest of his life, I bet he talks like a canary.

All of this sounds good but when you have a corrupt DOJ who is just as guilty, that just ruins all chances of true justice to occur. That DOJ would rather prosecute a whistleblower than those committing and attempting genocide.

If they could get Dr. David Morens to talk and admit that they all were collaborating and talking in “back channels” so they couldn’t get caught.

Rand Paul says that the NIH will not give him information he requested 3 years ago about gain of function and he goes on to say → “I think the NIH is more secretive than the CIA.”

If they NIH had any part in created and starting this pandemic then, their top man was running the Nazi Tyrannical Covid Protocols and making everyone social distance, wear masks and take experimental “safe & effective” vaccines – someone needs to the electric chair for this one.

That is an evil, evil act.

All gain of function studies and research needs to stop right now. As Rand says, if we try to aerosolize Ebola which is normally transmitted by body fluids, this would be a death wish.

The people breaking the laws and participating in gain of function need prosecuted.

Fauci got into an argument about the definition of gain of function and said wasn’t do it according to his definition.

If someone has to argue over a definition then in my book they are guilty.

I think we all know that Fauci is guilty as sin. He is just counting on the people staying in their coma.

Source: The Hill -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTQTUJmz73I


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END. 6/20/2024 – 6:00 PM

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