Friday Night Shabbat: The Most Incredibly Holy Spirit Infused Week I've Ever Had On College Campuses, John Bellesorte Is Smitten Down By Satan & Then Has Yet Another Spectacular Resurrection Of Life In Jesus Christ!!!
Friday Night Shabbat: Subscriber Asks For Feast Day Teachings, Greg Hershberg & Beth Yeshua International Threaten Me With Criminal Trespassing Notice As They Harden Their Hearts In Sin, Greg Hershberg Chooses To Forsake Yah's Salvation
Entrepreneurship 101 | START HERE | "You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for." - Napoleon Hill + Proverbs 10:4
Shabbat Bible Study: Isaiah 42, 43, 1st John 1-3, 1st Timothy 2: The End Times Are Upon Us Yet So Many of You Are Still Entertaining Sin In Your Hearts -- Professing Christians Need To Live Holy & Stop Making Excuses For Sin