The Great Reset | Explained In Their Own Words (26 FACTS You Need to Know NOW) "I Knew These Vaccines Were Never Going to Protect Against Infection." - Birx + "COVID Was the Moment When Surveillance Began Going Under the Skin." -Harari
Dr. McCullough: "This Is a Military Operation" "The military said in 2012, 'We will end pandemics in 60 days using messenger RNA.' That's long before Moderna and Pfizer were even in the game. ... They are profiting from this,
Dr. Simone Gold | Why Is Panera Allowing You to Pay with Your Palm? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say? "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." The Connection Between CBDCs, BRICS, AI & Surveillance Under the Skin
Mark of the Beast | "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari | Are RFID Chips Under the Skin Around the Corner? Why Did Elon Musk Say? "We Could Merge w/ Artificial Intelligence" - Elon Musk