Jesus | Is Jesus Returning Soon? 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4, Revelation 13:16-18, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Revelation 12:6, Revelation 13:11 + Why Does Google, CERN & the World Economic Forum Use a 666 Logo?
Ray Kurzweil | "The Devices Will Be Inside Our Bodies and Brains. We Will Connect the Top Layer of Our Neocortex to Synthetic Neocortex In the Cloud." Ray Kurzweil - The Director of Engineering at Google and Yuval Noah Harari Mentor
Artificial Intelligence | "Today We Are Going to Be Interviewed By An AI?" - Bill Gates | "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ray Kurzweil (Director of Engineering At Google)
Medical Nanorobots | "We'll Have Medical Nanorobots, Little Robotos That Are Computerized the Size of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - Ray Kurzweil (Chancellor of Singularity University & Lead Google Technologist