3 years agoThe Definition of Unity by Perth Patriot Karen NoyceAustralian Sovereignty is alive and well in the QMS
6 months agoCan you help, please? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionPeacefulRebellion
1 year agoIF YOUR MECHANIC DID THIS? Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionPeacefulRebellion
10 months agoWHY THEY CAN'T STOP THIS Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionPeacefulRebellion
1 year agoTHEY ARE TRYING TO PIGEON HOLE US AGAIN! Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channelingPeacefulRebellion
1 year agoIt's a CLOSED SYSTEM! Peaceful Rebellion #awake #aware #spirituality #channeling #5d #ascensionPeacefulRebellion