1. Psalm 144 v1-2, 6-10 of 15 "O blessèd ever be the LORD, who is my strength and might" Bays of Harris

    Psalm 144 v1-2, 6-10 of 15 "O blessèd ever be the LORD, who is my strength and might" Bays of Harris

  2. Psalm 49 v1-10 pt1 "Listen to me, all you peoples, all who in the whole world dwell" Tune: Blaenwern

    Psalm 49 v1-10 pt1 "Listen to me, all you peoples, all who in the whole world dwell" Tune: Blaenwern

  3. Psalm 139: 1-12 & 23-24 "O LORD, you have examined me, you know me through and through" To: Salzburg

    Psalm 139: 1-12 & 23-24 "O LORD, you have examined me, you know me through and through" To: Salzburg

  4. Psalm 139: 13-18 of 24 "For you, O LORD, created me; you wove me on your loom." Tune: Bays of Harris

    Psalm 139: 13-18 of 24 "For you, O LORD, created me; you wove me on your loom." Tune: Bays of Harris

  5. Psalm 139 v1-12 of 24 "O LORD, you have examined me, you know me through and through" Tune: Wetherby

    Psalm 139 v1-12 of 24 "O LORD, you have examined me, you know me through and through" Tune: Wetherby

  6. Psalm 11 “Make your escape and like a bird. For refuge to your mountain flee." Sing Psalms -LM tune.

    Psalm 11 “Make your escape and like a bird. For refuge to your mountain flee." Sing Psalms -LM tune.

  7. Psalm 102 v12-20 of 28 "And to deliver from on high a multitude condemned to die." Tune: Darwall

    Psalm 102 v12-20 of 28 "And to deliver from on high a multitude condemned to die." Tune: Darwall

  8. Psalm 27:1-14 A psalm to ponder during war.

    Psalm 27:1-14 A psalm to ponder during war.

  9. Psalm 125 "All those who trust the LORD like Zion are secure" To the tune Quam Dilecta. Sing Psalms.

    Psalm 125 "All those who trust the LORD like Zion are secure" To the tune Quam Dilecta. Sing Psalms.

  10. Psalm 66 v1-5 of 20 "Shout loud with joy to God" To the tune Silchester. Sing Psalms.

    Psalm 66 v1-5 of 20 "Shout loud with joy to God" To the tune Silchester. Sing Psalms.

  11. Psalm 85 "Will you not again revive us, that we may rejoice in you?" Tune: Hyfrydol. Sing Psalms

    Psalm 85 "Will you not again revive us, that we may rejoice in you?" Tune: Hyfrydol. Sing Psalms

  12. Psalm 119 part 17 v129-136 "Your statutes, LORD, are wonderful" To the tune Woodworth. 17th: pe

    Psalm 119 part 17 v129-136 "Your statutes, LORD, are wonderful" To the tune Woodworth. 17th: pe

  13. Psalm 7 v6-11 of 17 "Arise, O LORD, in wrath against my foes, Against the rage of all who me oppose"

    Psalm 7 v6-11 of 17 "Arise, O LORD, in wrath against my foes, Against the rage of all who me oppose"
