Psalm 144 v1-2, 6-10 of 15 "O blessèd ever be the LORD, who is my strength and might" Bays of Harris

1 year ago

Psalm 144 verses 1-2 then 6-10 of 15
tune: Bays of Harris
"O blessèd ever be the LORD, who is my strength and might"
Falkirk Free Church
Version: The Scottish Psalter.

The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences. They are more like visual cross-references.
King David
Mount Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
The seventh plague (Exodus 9)
David plays for Saul (1 Samuel 16)

PSALM 144 C.M.

1 O blessèd ever be the LORD,
who is my strength and might,
Who doth instruct my hands to war,
my fingers teach to fight.

2 My goodness, fortress, my high tower,
deliverer, and shield,
In whom I trust: who under me
my people makes to yield.

3 LORD, what is man, that thou of him
dost so much knowledge take?
Or son of man, that thou of him
so great account dost make?

4 Man is like vanity; his days,
as shadows, pass away.
5 LORD, bow thy heav’ns, come down, touch thou
the hills, and smoke shall they.

6 Cast forth thy lightning, scatter them;
thine arrows shoot, them rout.
7 Thine hand send from above, me save;
from great depths draw me out;

And from the hand of children strange,
8 Whose mouth speaks vanity;
And their right hand is a right hand
that works deceitfully.

9 A new song I to thee will sing,
Lord, on a psaltery;
I on a ten-stringed instrument
will praises sing to thee.

10 Ev’n he it is that unto kings
salvätion doth send;
Who his own servant David doth
from hurtful sword defend.

11 O free me from strange children’s hand,
whose mouth speaks vanity;
And their right hand a right hand is
that works deceitfully.

12 That, as the plants, our sons may be
in youth grown up that are;
Our daughters like to corner-stones,
carved like a palace fair.

13 That to afford all kind of store
our garners may be filled;
That our sheep thousands, in our streets
ten thousands they may yield.

14 That strong our oxen be for work,
that no in-breaking be,
Nor going out; and that our streets
may from complaints be free.

15 Those people blessèd are who be
in such a case as this;
Yea, blessèd all those people are,
whose God JEHOVAH is.

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