CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Just Demand Side Communism." CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Just Demand Side Communism." - Nobody Special + "If You Don't Behave You Can Have Your Money Turned Off.&quo
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currency, Governments Are Able to Program It. If You Don't Take 3 or 4 Vaccines, the Money Can Just Be Programmed to Work Against You."
CBDCs | "The Federal Reserve Is Considering a CBDC Digital Dollar. The Implications for Privacy & Freedom Are FRIGHTENING." - Steve Forbes + "CBDCs Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Richard Werner + "CBDCs, If That Happens
Ukraine | Why Is Ukraine the First Country to Implement Klaus Schwab's Great Reset? Why Is Ukraine the First Country to Fulfill Klaus Schwab's CBDC, Digital ID, Vaccine Passport, Universal Basic Income, Social Credit Score Vision?
CBDC | TRUMP | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "If We Lose Our Currency. That's the Equivalent of Using a World War. People Say, We'll Never Lose the DOLLAR Standard! Are They Kidding?!" - President Trump
CBDCs | World Economic Forum Meeting 2023 | "It Remains to Be Seen Exactly What Kind of Outcomes CBDCs Once Implemented Will Have." - Neha Narula Director, Digital Currency Initiative, MIT
CBDC | "With a CBDC a Government Can Program Your Money. China Is One of the World Leaders In Creating Digital Currency, But They Are Also a Leader In Censorship."
Dollar Collapse | "There Is a Push Towards a Solely Digital Currency That Is Happening. Cash Will Be Phased Out." - Sky News Australia (April 2nd 2023) | "We Will Be Ready to Launch the FedNow Service Between MAY AND JULY OF 2023."