5 years ago혐오와 편견의 이유, 진화심리학, 화재경보기, 원리설명, 화상흉터침, Bt침, 불에 데인 환자는 더 웅크리고 소극적, 우울증에 빠지게 된다, 세균이나 바이러스처럼 전염cosmosrich1
6 years agoUNDER FIRE: Fury when smoke alarms don't sound in smoldering fire (Broadcast piece)WKBWVerified
7 years agoOf the two different types of smoke detectors, one is better equipped to save your lifeWEWSVerified
7 years agoOf the two different types of smoke detectors, one is better equipped to save your lifeWEWSVerified