CERN, Large Hadron Collider, Spiritual Gates, Major & Minor, Vertical & Horizontal, Operate By Song, Thanksgiving or Ecstasy (Hence Sex Magick) + 2018 Prayer, All Major Gates were Closed, Earthquake at CERN that Day, Alice Hasn't Worked Since
gli hacker russi di KILLNET sono anche loro anonymous essendo anonymous solo un'idea di anonimato appunto e non un'organizzazione di criminali sono contro USA e NATO e chi li comanda gesuiti,massoneria e cavalieri di Malta
Jessie Came to the Lord before She Went into the System + Mexican Woman from Church Named Lilly, The Book of John, Get Ready Jesus is Coming + Jessie Used the B-I-B-L-E Song as a Weapon Against Demonic Generals Aged 5