1. March 5, 2009 🎺 Thus Says The Lord against Dallas and Las Vegas

    March 5, 2009 🎺 Thus Says The Lord against Dallas and Las Vegas

  2. Oct 11, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains, what Faith is... True Faith is believing that I am who I am

    Oct 11, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains, what Faith is... True Faith is believing that I am who I am

  3. Nov 9, 2010 🎺 How I keep the Wolves at bay... The Lord explains

    Nov 9, 2010 🎺 How I keep the Wolves at bay... The Lord explains

  4. Dec 4, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains... In Union with the Messiah, My Glory revealed in you

    Dec 4, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains... In Union with the Messiah, My Glory revealed in you

  5. Dec 7, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... Escape to the Father's House, do not look back

    Dec 7, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... Escape to the Father's House, do not look back

  6. Dec 28, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains... A fragile Stalk of Wheat grows into a mighty Oak Tree

    Dec 28, 2010 🎺 The Lord explains... A fragile Stalk of Wheat grows into a mighty Oak Tree

  7. Jan 6, 2011 🎺 The Lord explains... A Shout and a Trumpet… The Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet Him

    Jan 6, 2011 🎺 The Lord explains... A Shout and a Trumpet… The Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet Him

  8. Jan 15, 2011 🎺 Jesus explains the innermost Intentions of a Soul... Trumpet Call of God

    Jan 15, 2011 🎺 Jesus explains the innermost Intentions of a Soul... Trumpet Call of God

  9. Jan 26, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... Understand the Marriage in the Kingdom of God, the Divine Union

    Jan 26, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... Understand the Marriage in the Kingdom of God, the Divine Union

  10. Jan 24, 2011 🎺 Lost in Confusion and Bitterness... Darkness among many Faces

    Jan 24, 2011 🎺 Lost in Confusion and Bitterness... Darkness among many Faces

  11. Jan 29, 2011 🎺 Behold, the false Prophets Hananiah gather... Trumpet Call of God

    Jan 29, 2011 🎺 Behold, the false Prophets Hananiah gather... Trumpet Call of God

  12. Jan 28, 2011 🎺 Who has become a Son of the Devil and who is serving Me ?... Trumpet Call of God

    Jan 28, 2011 🎺 Who has become a Son of the Devil and who is serving Me ?... Trumpet Call of God

  13. Jan 29, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... AUSTRALIA, My Wrath does not sleep!... Trumpet Call of God

    Jan 29, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... AUSTRALIA, My Wrath does not sleep!... Trumpet Call of God

  14. Feb 1, 2011 🎺 My Wrath against Australia cannot be turned back... Trumpet Call of God

    Feb 1, 2011 🎺 My Wrath against Australia cannot be turned back... Trumpet Call of God

  15. Feb 4, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... How long must I suffer your Doubts? Don't seek after Signs in the World

    Feb 4, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... How long must I suffer your Doubts? Don't seek after Signs in the World

  16. Feb 4, 2011 🎺 I am come !... No One has grasped the Scope of these Words

    Feb 4, 2011 🎺 I am come !... No One has grasped the Scope of these Words

  17. Feb 28, 2011 🎺 Your Hearts are revealed, now is the Time to try your Trust

    Feb 28, 2011 🎺 Your Hearts are revealed, now is the Time to try your Trust

  18. April 18, 2011 🎺 Shout His Name... Put all your Trust in the Holy One

    April 18, 2011 🎺 Shout His Name... Put all your Trust in the Holy One

  19. May 2, 2011 🎺 All shall hear My Word and My Voice shall resound

    May 2, 2011 🎺 All shall hear My Word and My Voice shall resound

  20. June 7, 2011 🎺 Wisdom is justified by her Children… You must choose!

    June 7, 2011 🎺 Wisdom is justified by her Children… You must choose!

  21. April 18, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... The seventh Day is coming, the Sabbath... 1,000 Years Rest & Peace

    April 18, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... The seventh Day is coming, the Sabbath... 1,000 Years Rest & Peace

  22. July 2, 2005 🎺 Once their Hearts are changed, Grace will be given, don't be sad

    July 2, 2005 🎺 Once their Hearts are changed, Grace will be given, don't be sad

  23. Oct 22, 2007 🎺 The Lord explains... A great Harvest in the midst of great Desolations... Salvation and Judgment

    Oct 22, 2007 🎺 The Lord explains... A great Harvest in the midst of great Desolations... Salvation and Judgment

  24. Nov 2004 🎺 Jesus elucidates the Parable of the two Trees... Trumpet Call of God

    Nov 2004 🎺 Jesus elucidates the Parable of the two Trees... Trumpet Call of God

  25. GLOVER Moon's Last Phase - Vol 1, Issue 9 (2022) | Isaac Glover Music

    GLOVER Moon's Last Phase - Vol 1, Issue 9 (2022) | Isaac Glover Music
