Zelensky | Who Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Why Did Zelensky Dance In Drag? Why Did Zelensky Hug Emmanuel Macron Like This? Why Did Zelensky Visit Marina Abramović 's "Crystal Wall of Crying?" Why Is Emmanuel Macron Hanging with Yuval Harari?
Trump Was Right | "The Report That Said There Would Be 500K Deaths In the U.K., They've Adjusted That Number to 20K." - Deborah Birx | "With PCR You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." - Karry Mullis | "Alot of Good Things
The Great Reset | Explained In 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds By Deborah Birx, Kary Mullis, Rochelle Walensky, Yuval Noah Harari, Steve Forbes, Catherine Austin Fitts, Professor Richard Werner, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, and Klaus Schwab
Dollar Collapse | "Since the End of World War II the Dollar Has Been the Safe Place to Go. Oil Has Always Been Traded In Dollars. If That Were To End That Would Mean the End of the U.S. Dollar." - Monica Crowley
Great Reset | "WHO Is Not Independent. WHO's Current Sugar Daddy Is Bill Gates. Who Has Made Billions Out of His Investment In the Same Vaccines That WHO Promotes. Bill Gates Bought Who. They Now Recommend His Products. It Is That Simple."