A Dog Gets Confused When He Sees His Canine Friend With A Foam On His Head

6 years ago

Nothing gets much funnier than a really funny dog! But, when a funny dog gets confused, things instantly become hilarious! Just take a look at this video, and you’ll see what I mean. Plus, it’s so cute and adorable that you really don’t want to miss this one! It shows a lovely little pup who gets so confused when he sees his canine friend in the bathroom that he doesn’t even know how to react! OMG, you have to see this now! This sweet little dog is standing in front of an open bathroom door and looks in astonishment. His best canine friend and a roommate is sitting on a bathroom sing with lots of foam on his head! LOL! He is so confused by this scene that he doesn’t know what to do - to come into the bathroom or to stay in the hallway, to bark or not to bark? LOL!

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