1 month agoAutomated Harvesting of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Recycling All Types of Organic Waste into ProteinUnimother
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1 year agoSound Of Freedom Hoax w/ Adrenochrome ft Jesus on the Cross of Torture & Bloodletting (4thReich.com)(NurembergTrials.net)
5 months agowent from feeling like humans are a virus on the planet, to realizing we're part of a grander systemWellness Adventures with Margaret Bullitt
3 years agoUniversity of Pittsburgh Admits Hearts Beating While Harvesting Aborted Infant KidneysCenter for Medical Progress
3 years agoThe Biological Resource Center in Phoenix, Arizona : Corpse Mutilation and Organ HarvestingEISmith
10 months agoUniversity of Pittsburgh Admits Hearts Beating While Harvesting Aborted Infant Kidneyscenterformedicalprogress