The Great Reset | "Our Problem and the Thing That We Need to Be Afraid of Is Tyranny Because the Tyranny Is About to Get Much Worse. It's the Passports and the System of Central Bank Digital Currencies That Will Give Them the Power to Do That.&q
Barack Obama | Why Did Barack Obama Say, "We All Know Some Folks In Our Lives, They Say Crazy Stuff and We're All Like, You Know Uncle Joe...We Know Happened to Him?"
The Great Reset | Why Do Klaus Schwab & Elon Musk Agree On the 4 Great Reset Agenda Items? 1. Universal Basic Income 2. Connecting Brains to Computers 3. Self-Driving Cars 4. Imposing Carbon Taxes
The Great Reset | "What Is Klaus Schwab's Great Reset? China, That's What's Coming. It's Beyond the Imagination of MOST People. No Action, No Traveling, Unless the QR Code Is Saying That They Can Do It." - David Icke
Kanye 'Ye' West | "The Most Dangerous Place for a Black Person In America Is In Their Mother's Stomach. The Abortion Clinics Were Created by Eugenicists for Population Control and It's Controlling the Population."
Climate Change SCAM | In 2005 Al Gore Shares His Mount Kilimanjaro Prediction | Al Gore Is Attending the World Economic Forum Conference In 2023 to Help Decide How Much More the World Must Suffer to Achieve "Net Zero Carbon Emissions."
Kanye West and Tucker Carlson | "I Started to Really Feel This Need to Express Myself On Another Level When Trump Was Running for Office and I Liked Him and Every Single Person In Hollywood Said That My Career and My Life Would Be Over."