2 months agoThe TRUTH Does NOT come from WINNING Favor from Someone else for their GLORY! It comes from Jesus!drock5690
2 months agoEverything must come into subjection to the LORD Jesus, because he is the fullness of God!drock5690
1 month agoYou can build your spiritual foundation on the LORD Jesus, as YOU grow, and WALK with him!drock5690
1 month agoMarriage is supposed to be a PICTURE of a Husband and Wife fully submitted to the LORD Jesus!drock5690
29 days agoMockers will deny the second coming of the LORD Jesus, and by their unbelief be destroyed by it!drock5690
1 month agoActive obedience in the LORD Jesus will require suffering, but he already HAS endured it for YOU!drock5690
29 days agoWhen the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?drock5690
2 months agoPractice what YOU've seen JESUS doing, & eventually YOU will be led to do what HOLY SPIRIT is doing!drock5690
2 years agoI SAW 144,000. THE PLAN FOR THE CHURCH IN THE LAST DAYS #share #church #jesus #bible #revelationEndtimesProphecies777
2 months agoYour dependence isn't upon man, but can be satisfied completely in the LORD Jesus!drock5690
3 months agoThe gospel gives each ONE of us hope because JESUS is coming to rescue us from this evil generation!drock5690
3 months agoThe present EVIL in this generation has to come to an END, because JESUS paid the price for You & I!drock5690
3 months agoYou can focus on the Bible, and on the LORD Jesus, regardless of the onslaught of the enemy!drock5690
2 months agoYou have an inheritance, a destiny given to you by God that can only be found in the Lord Jesus!drock5690
2 years agoWe're here to show people the real love of Jesus810AM Radio | Omega Learning | Pastor Ronnie Allen | Live Monday-Friday 10AM + 7PM
29 days agoThere will be a Day where Jesus comes, and will it be too LATE for YOU upon his Arrival!drock5690
1 month agoWalking with Jesus is a disciplined lifestyle that brings correction from our Heavenly Father!drock5690
29 days agoThe LORD Jesus wants EVERYONE to have an Opportunity to be Saved before his Return!drock5690