2 years agoUFOs Sighting 🛸 Cigar Shape being seen above NUCLEAR ☢️ Installations - Disclosurewhitegoldeagle
1 year agoUFO SIGHTING 🛸 Northern Minnesota 🛸 Large Cigar Shaped 🛸 seen all over the World! 🛸whitegoldeagle
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6 months agoSick pet cat thrown away - the ultimate betrayal #kittenrescue #indonesia #irishmycammedia
2 years agoUFO Sighting 🛸 UAP Strange Light and Objects beaming into it Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 🛸whitegoldeagle
2 years agoUFO Sighting 🛸 Two HUGE UFOs filmed over Montreal, Canada Yesterday 🛸 Disclosurewhitegoldeagle
1 year agoFireball objects in the sky ☄️ over Boca Raton, Florida in the United States 🛸 UAP UFO Sighting 🛸whitegoldeagle