10 months agoVaccine risks MMR HepB linked to autism, psychosis, CFS, Lupus...The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 month agoWe want to educate you so you don't need to be afraid!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
2 months agoRename NIAID National Institute of Acquired Immune DiseaseThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 day agoWe need Calcium and the dangers of synthetic Calcium supplementsThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 month agoApril 2020 Epoch Time Wuhan Fort Detrick USAMRIID SARS-CoV2The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
3 months agoNo Shots. No Flu shot before Thanks Giving. Share space with family and boost your immunity!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 year agoPeter Duesberg showed how to cure cancer all the way back to 75 before I even got to collegeThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
3 months agoNIAID should be the National Institure of Acquired Immune DiseaseThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
23 days agoExtramural University Professors Publish or Perish in Corrupt JournalsThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 month agoLeidos machine at airports experimenting on you! Detonating the bioweapons!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 month agoMy Specialty Nutritional Biochemistry Dealing with Chronic DiseaseThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
2 months agoNatural immunity is lifelong. Don’t inject the disease-causing agent!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
2 months agoAquired Immune Deficiencies From Infections Injected UncheckedThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
2 months agoNo Germ Theory. Virus Means Poison. All Created Equal.The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
8 days agoPart 2: We have all the evidence and solutions in freezers!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 year agoSunday Live: The Great Awakening Is Here! Dr. Judy Mikovits & Author Kent Heckenlively Join Ale...Latest News From CFP and INFOWARS
1 month agoOmicron XMRV2 & Corruption at the National Academy of Science aka Institute of MedicineThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 month agoSynthetic RNA is not from God like carbon which cannot be taxedThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 month agoThis travesty of justice will not be carried out at their expenseThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified