Taking the healing modalities away from us, so that we can be poisoned!

9 months ago

Clay Clark: How does an alpaca test positive for bird flu for the first time according to CNN?
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD: well again, the alpacas are where you get the camelids, the kind of antibody that is the nanobody that goes right into your brain. That's why we were using camel hump fat in order to deliver our cannabinoids and our therapies and our ivermectin to the brain, you know, we just mix that horse paste right in there. It's no different than the same fraud. Nobody's testing positive, except they must take the healing modalities away from us, so that we can be poisoned and murdered faster, because we didn't buy their fear porn, and we won't buy their fear porn. So we need to take care of the alpacas and the camels and the birds and the cows and stop them from destroying our food supply. Nobody should ever be killing herds of birds for a fraudulent PCR test that has nothing to do with an envelope virus. That's a synthetic lipid nanoparticle. That's what your friend Robert Malone...

05/29/2024 - Thrivetime Show with Clay Clark: https://rumble.com/v4ya0nk-doctor-mikovits-bird-flu-plandemic-2.0-cdc-wastewater.html

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