Agustín Carstens | Who Is Agustín Carstens? Who Is the REAL Agustín Carstens? “Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules & Regulations That Will Determine the Use of (currency) That Central Bank Liability." - Agustín Carstens
Dr. Bryan Ardis | “These Two Venoms Of These Two Snakes Target Nicotine Receptors In The Brainstem That Control Smooth Muscle Contractions Like The Diaphragm You Breathe With.” - Dr. Bryan Ardis
Dollar Collapse | "America Printed the U.S. Dollar. We Controlled the World Currency. It's Been Very Nice. But, What Would Happen If It Ended?" - Tucker Carlson (April 5th 2023)
Kristen took a COVID JAB Bioweapon and soon after had severe convulsions, facial numbness, inability to control her head. She goes to hospital and doctors ask her to leave because there’s nothing they can do