GOV Dora Calderon Jefferson Plots Stepson's Murder OTJ (Short)

3 months ago

Tax dollars at work, folks. Work from home for the GOV, and murder your Genius Step-son! Perhaps they've activated one of her '3' WBAN human vax MAC Addresses I used to track w/ BLE while living there, being gaslit back to the future... neither of them probably watched my Project Veritas links. That's how it happens. LORD said piss them off, then leave a device recording after you rile them up. Got a clear murder confession out of it.

That stepmom BITCH said it's quote: "not hard on her heart" that my 'real mom failed to kill me in the womb successfully' with a double-dose of baphomet gates' womb know... so I DEFINITELY wouldn't survive... here I am. Hercules.

Perhaps the reason why it's not hard on her, is because she HAS NO HEART!
then mom never told my dad Bill... only told ME every year of my life?! Sinister.

... GO parenting!
ya she suk.
She works for the USSA government.
My real mom works for the GOV too... and tried to murder me in the womb, before my stepmom's turn. What a theme.

(gubern-menta = govern-ment = control-mind (latin). Nuff' said.

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