2 years ago美國前線醫生_Dr.Peter Pierre,M.D.分析,疫苗公司正用許多“化學毒物_劇毒,氧化石墨烯Graphene oxide_新冠疫苗實驗針劑(C_19 vaccine)、mask(口罩)、PCR test swab(拭子)”在傷害每一位民眾!mcy1227
3 years agoMassive! CDC Admits To Collecting COVID Nasal Swab PCR Tests For Genomic Sequencing AnalysisAmerica First Radio | MAGA MusicVerified
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1 year agoEar wax: Don’t put cotton swabs in your ears or you could go to hospital, doctors warn - TomoNewsTOMONEWS US
5 months agoUS pharmaceutical giant faces opposition in India over patent for HIV drug #India - BoostFCKtheJAB - JabRoulette - TRANSHUMANISM for the NWO