3 months agoPeskov explained why Durov was not detained in Russia. “Terrorists use Telegram. But they also use cars. Why aren’t they arresting the CEO of Renault or Citroen?”teddolbi
15 days agoBorrell: EE.UU. permite a Ucrania usar misiles de hasta 300 km de alcance contra RusiaRT en EspañolVerified
2 years agoZelensky addresses troops in Kherson, thanks NATO, HIMARS, EU, Global Allies for supportEL Etos UT
2 years agoMost of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the gardenEL Etos UT
2 years agoBelgium ready to train the Ukrainian military, EU agrees to "Pursue" work on UA military trainingEL Etos UT
1 year agoBorrell reconoce que Ucrania no podrá derrotar a Rusia en un futuro próximoRT en EspañolVerified