Mark of the Beast | How Quant-Based CBDCs, 5G, COVID-19 Shots, Luciferase-Based Biosensors, Injectable mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, CRISPR, Quantum Dots, Quantum Computers & CERN Have Been Created to Enslave Humanity NOW (See Show Description)
CBDC | Catherine Austine Fitts | The Central Banks Have Decided to Take Over. The Ultimate Completion of This Will Be When They Introduce Central Currencies Controlled and Operated by the Central Bank
CBDCs | "Central Bank Digital Currency, If I Buy Too Many Plane Tickets or If I Buy Too Much Meat Because Those Things Are All Supposed Very Bad for the Environment, My Money Could Then Be Declined. The Money Can Expire."
CBDCs | "Several Central Banks Have Already Prepared Their Microchip Implant, RFID Chip to Be Implanted Under Your Skin. Why Is There a Sudden Discussion About Universal Basic Income? Universal Basic Income Is the Bribe to Get You to Accept the Chip
CBDCs | "It Already Exists. It's an E-PCR Device & the Brand They Used Was an INTOUCH eDiary Where By the Inoculated People Were Sending Signals to Their Cell Phones In Real Time On the Changes Happening Inside Their Bodies."
President Ford - "Either the Republican or Democrat Political Party Will Nominate a Man for President and a Woman for Vice President. And In That Term of Office the President Will Die and the Woman Will Become President by Law."
Catherine Austin Fitts | "If You Are Going to Bring In CBDCs Nobody Wants to to Be a Slave, So Most People Are Going to Object to CBDCs. But If You Literally Control the Food and Energy Supply You've Got Them Cornered." - Catherine Austin
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Steve Forbes, & Catherine Austin Fitts Explain How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work