Diabetes Liver Brain & Fat Metabolism

2 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ )

Alpha Lipoic Acid. Key, key, key, key. Diabetes is fat metabolism. The liver makes glucose from fat metabolism. Your brain is a lump of fat with signaling molecules in its sensors on the surface of the cell. We've poisoned our brain at every level by every glyphosate, by every heavy metal coming down through the sky, by every GMO. Think about how many shots! Read our newsletter from last week. Now the CDC, all of a sudden, says over 200! Think of how good our immune system is and how good our God really is! if RNase L -AH! - R462Q, Arginine, change to glutamic acid.
Arginine, a key energy in your endothelial lining, the vasculature. Your heart can't pump blood if there is no blood vessel.

Judy MIkovits, PhD - 12/08/2024

Hidden Knowledge Uncensored - Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits on Healing, Truth, & Corruption - (Sponsored by Cardio Miracle): https://rumble.com/v5xb7kt--interview-with-dr.-judy-mikovits-on-healing-truth-and-corruption-sponsored.html

December 4th Newsletter Stop the Shots Save the Children❗

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