Monkeypox | Why Did World Health Organization & Harvard Fellow State, "People Don't Understand the Way That Gay and Bi Men Have Sex, or Why They Have Group Sex or Why They Have Sex If They Know It Bares a Risk to Their Lives."
Kanye West and Tucker Carlson | Kushner | Kushner "When I Sit Across the Room from a Josh Kushner and He Just Feels So Entitled to That Idea. They Weren't Serving Trump the Way We Could Have."
Kanye West and Tucker Carlson | He Was Told, "Go Out There and Use Your Platform to Push the Vaccinations." + Was His Wife Close Friends without the Clintons Without His Knowledge?
Kanye West and Tucker Carlson | "I Started to Really Feel This Need to Express Myself On Another Level When Trump Was Running for Office and I Liked Him and Every Single Person In Hollywood Said That My Career and My Life Would Be Over."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Trump Is Destroying the U.S. Alliance System Around the World." and "In Order to Solve the Climate Crisis We Will Need to Give Up Alot of Our Most Cherished Needs."
King Charles | "We Are Literally At the Last Hour, I Hope You Will Join Me for a Martial Like Plan...This Will Take Trillions and Not Billions of Dollars. We Need a Vast Military Style Plan."
The Great Reset | "The Great Reset / The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "Humans Are Hackable Animals" - Yuval Noah Harari + "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.&