No Matter How Bad You Think Earth is Most Souls DON'T Act This Way Before Arrival.. Unless You're One of the Few Who SPECIFICALLY Cared Nothing for Participating with and Watching Humanity During The Great Awakening! #HoldUpiThinkiMadeAmistake
Toxic Positivity Vs. REAL Positivity (Denial/Shadow Vs. Acceptance/Ascension): THE RIGHT WAY to Handle That Which You Don’t Like! — Wendy Kennedy | WE in 5D: Applying This Will Help w/ How You Vibrationally Respond to Videos You Dislike on My Channel.
THIS IS HOW YOU'LL END THEIR CONTROL—Really Simply. #HistoryCanTellTheFuture #YoullTrustNoPlan #YoullTrustEachOther #CommunitiesUnitedForSovereignty #KnowYourSheriff | "Destroying Ra" Clip From the Film "Stargate" (1994)