1 year agoRobert F. Kennedy Jr. - "TONY FAUCI KNEW THAT REMDESIVIR WOULD KILL YOU!"Sunfellow On COVID-19
3 days ago"There is no autoimmune or genetic disease! It is Epigenetic!"Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
6 days agoWe need Calcium and the dangers of synthetic Calcium supplementsDr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
5 days agoThis video is stuffed full of mental illness ... and PAIN!Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
2 years agoDr. Peter McCollough' "The Band-Aid Has Been Ripped off the Entire 'Covid-19' 'mRNA' Vaccine Agenda"AndreCorbeilVerified
6 days ago"How Pink Himalayan Salt can support good health"Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
3 years agoMASKS OFF | The ONLY truth Fauci has spoken during the whole plandemic.LISTEN UP | Stop. Listen. Pray. Act.
2 years agoIn may 2020 Fauci lied and said Remdesivir was safe and effective against the Ebola virus in Africa.RefugeOfSinners
2 years ago️COVID VAXX is causing a new syndrome in children called pediatric inflammatory multisystemCOVID Resistance
2 years agoIf you want to have a baby in the future, you better find out if you have high amounts of that stuffRefugeOfSinners
2 years agoGilead (Remdesivir) bought part of Genentech in 2011. Genentech makes drugs derived from snake venomRefugeOfSinners
11 days agoYale Medical Study Finds "Long Covid" Is m.R.N.A. Induced V.A.I.D.S.Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
4 days agoBarbara O'Neill | The Unknown Facts About CarbohydratesDr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
4 days ago"Pop star cut to shreds by VAXX poison induced PROSTATE CANCER"Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
5 days ago"The body is an electric instrument of incredible expression and healing...!"Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
5 days ago"Proof ! That Our Bodies are infested with Smart dust" | Quantum Dots Nanotechnology EtcDr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
2 years agoDid animal venom show up in the blood, faeces and urine of Italian Covid patients in 2020?RefugeOfSinners
13 days agoPart 2| "We have all the evidence and solutions in freezers!"Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
13 days ago"TV star suffers VAXX poison induced BRAIN CANCER!"Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
11 days agoMovie star 100% destroyed by VAXX poison injectionsDr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough