1 year agoAMC halted Bad actors doubled down on their criminal activity because no consequences SEC SilentDonnahueGeorge
1 year ago📉💼 What's the impact of large short positions on $AMC? #AMC #StockMarket10 Minute Stock Trader
1 year agoDid AMC investors sell when AMC hit $8.50 or did the hedgies adjust the algos to push price down?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoFintel reports institutions own 97% of AMC If retail owns 90% Does 187% ownership get SEC attention?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC volume 27,187,620 Counterfeit shares available to short 3.6M 1.1% CTB 16M AMC shares shortedDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoThe writers strike is over is this a positive catalyst for AMC Will the bad actors create other FUDDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoRule to ban using options to close AMC FTDs extended 45days Rules mean nothing if no enforcementDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoShowing Concerts on AMC screens will generate $Billions for artists and AMC for yearsDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoEnd of Day 5/24 and a majority of AMC investors have not received their postcard. Contact the CourtDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoJudge Zurn rules that if you look at AMC discovery you can’t buy or sell AMC until case is finalizedDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoI disagree with Marantz Rantz His facts are correct but AMC bankruptcy is highly unlikelyDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoDid Adam Aron drop $350M AMC shares to be malicious because we voted against pay increase? AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoThe criminality in AMC continues 700,000 counterfeit AMC shares available to short 57.6% CTBDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoI am not concerned about current price of AMC Once they have to close AMC goes to the moon AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC Cost to borrow 69% Millions of counterfeit shares available to short Crime of Century AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoMillion AMC shares available to short cost to borrow at 65% Crime of century in real time AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoDid they pick that May 24 deadline to receive AMC postcards to insure less investors object?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoUntil the Shorters cover their AMC shorts I will stay in this foxhole Price manipulation is nothingDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC CTB 3.6% volume 23M counterfeit AMC shares shorted to illegally manipulate the price 9.5MDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC earnings report great No risk of delisting No risk of bankruptcy So why do a reverse split?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC counterfeit shares shorted 6/28 was 9,000,000 yet only 150,000 available Crime of Century?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC CTB max 846% CTB avg 668% CTB min 328% is the lawsuit volatility moving AMC?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC Crime report 8/16 37 days on threshold list 46M AMC shares shorted 1000% CTB Shorters in troubleDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoI do not hate Adam Aron I dislike the decisions he makes that helps hedgies and hurts AMC investorsDonnahueGeorge