10 days agoSolar Sun Star Christed Child of The Sun Rising Gateway! 🕉 Cosmic Dragon Egg 🕉 Merkaba System Gaiawhitegoldeagle
9 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/24/2025 🕉 Sacred Soul Star Manifestors of our Pure Conscious Awakening 🕉🕉whitegoldeagle
26 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/8/2025 🕉 New Atlantean Priests and Priestesses of the Temple of Light 🕉 🕉whitegoldeagle
25 days agoThe White Snake of Peace: A Symbol of Inner Awakening 🕉 The Archway: The Golden Gateway of Eden! 🕉whitegoldeagle
23 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/11/2025 🕉 Awakened Star Legion of the Universal One Source Lightwhitegoldeagle
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20 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 2142025 Sacred Spirits of our Collectic Allegiance of Earth Angels of the 144whitegoldeagle
19 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/15/2025 🕉 Galactic Time Navigators of our Freedom Legion of Light 🕉whitegoldeagle
18 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/15/2025 🕉 Galactic Time Navigators of our Freedom Legion of Light 🕉whitegoldeagle
18 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/16/2025 🕉 Sacred Soul Star Ascending Masters of New Earth 🕉 #soulwhitegoldeagle
17 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/16/2025 🕉 Sacred Soul Star Ascending Masters of New Earth 🕉 #soulwhitegoldeagle
17 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/17/2025 🕉 Crystalline Code Holders of our 12 Tribes of the New Eden 🕉whitegoldeagle
17 days agoyou are ready for this spiritual warriors of the true way of freedom in the lightwhitegoldeagle
16 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/18/2025 🕉 Wayshowers of the Oneness of Oceanic Consciousness #oneness 🕉 🕉whitegoldeagle
15 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/18/2025 🕉 Wayshowers of the Oneness of Oceanic Consciousness #oneness 🕉 🕉whitegoldeagle
15 days agoPraying Mantis Collective 🕉 Awaken Your Inner Vision 🕉 Architects of Perception 🕉 Ancient Pathways!whitegoldeagle
13 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/20/2025 🕉 Galactic Star Nation of our New Eden Rising 🕉 #newearth #eden 🕉whitegoldeagle
13 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/21/2025 🕉 Celestial Earth Angels of our New Heaven upon Earth #newearth 🕉whitegoldeagle
12 days agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 2/21/2025 🕉 Celestial Earth Angels of our New Heaven upon Earth #newearth 🕉whitegoldeagle
11 days agoIf we are our higher self and our higher self knows the lessons, why do we have to incarnate?WokelightworkerVerified