3 months agoPeskov explained why Durov was not detained in Russia. “Terrorists use Telegram. But they also use cars. Why aren’t they arresting the CEO of Renault or Citroen?”teddolbi
1 year ago2 Belgian Draft Horses and a donkey rescued from shipping to slaughter arrive safely at our farmFletcher Farms Amarillo
1 year agoBannerlord Mods That Add Brand New Factions: Choose Your Allegiance in Warhammer The Old Realms!RecoilMojo
2 years agoReport, emails indicate failures in Cañon City facility where 145 wild horses died in equine flu outbreakKMGHVerified
2 years agoOttawa Woman Trampled By Horses Powerful Interview Days BeforeAmerica First Radio | MAGA MusicVerified