One World Government | "Join Me I'm Glad to Sit Here At the Right Hand of Satan. We Americans Are Going to Have to Yield Up Some of Our Sovereignty." - Walter Cronkite
I fucking admire the unvaccinated! 💪 You held the line against a $1 trillion propaganda machine, and you told your family, your boss, and the government to fuck off! 🖕
Fake Science | "Humans Are Animals. The Bible Is Not the History of Humanity. It's Just a Story That Humans Invented 3,000 Years Ago." + "Humans Are Now Hackable Animals...Free Will, That's Over." - Yuval Noah Harari
Producing Nazis in the U.S. Government: Hiring Already Systemically Infected Without-Integrity Pities and Eventually Introducing Them to the “Golden Handcuffs”. Mimic Not Their Victim and Shortage Consciousness—You Often DO!
The biggest political scandal in Canadian history. WOW Just Trudeau intentionally let Chinese war assets get elected in the Canadian government. This is an act of treason with action that needs immediately to be take with out hesitancy. Canadas military i
CBDCs | "If We Allow Government to Control the Money In This Way It Means the End of Freedom." - Bruce Fenton (CEO Chainstone Labs & SEC / FINRA Registered Principal)