Child Abuse: The Biden Admin Is Coming for Your Kids With Disturbing Proposed Changes to Title IX Dr. Peterson Pierre: "If you uphold biological reality, that is going to be considered a form of sexual harassment
Pastor Greg Locke | "We Are Where We Are Because We Have Too Many Mamby-Pamby, Limp Wisted Preachers, Who Won't Bow Their Back Like A Benny Rooster And Preach The Word Of God"
Brain Chips | Why Are Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, Google CEO Sergey Brin and European Chief Ursula Von Der Leyen Discussing Brain Chips (The European Chips Act)?
CDC Votes 15-0 to Add COVID-19 Vax to the "Vaccines for Children (VFC)" Program There is another vote thursday morning on the child immunization schedule revisions
Artificial Intelligence | "A.I. Is Gaining Mastery of Language At a Level That Surpasses Average Human Ability. By Gaining Mastery of Language A.I. Is Seizing the Master Key, Unlocking the Doors of All Our Institutions - Yuval Noah Harari
BRICS | "Over 60 Countries Have Applied or Are In the Process of Applying for BRICS & When You Put BRICS Together w/ Two Other Groups, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization & the Belt Road Initiative (Over 150 Countries)." - Andy Schectm