6 months ago[p18] The Deception and Insanity of Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis | 8-11-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
6 months ago[p19] Dishonorable Mentions: Eric Hovind, Mike Hoggard, Charles Stanley | 8-18-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
10 months ago[p3] Christmas is the Catholic Version of the Pagan Yule-Saturnalia Celebration | 4-28-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
7 months ago[p14] The Hypocrisy of John MacArthur and Grace to You | 7-14-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
6 months agoDeception of Mormon Prophets~#josephsmith #brighamyoung #mormon #saltlakecity #bible #bookofmormonEvangelism
1 year agoDesert Stream, Living Waters: Marco Casanova INTERVIEW | The Simpleton PodcastasimplehouseU