Founder of Indie R Speaks on Latest Trump Indictment From GA by the Dirty Democrats [and the Stress of it], High Vibrational Support Groups (Soul Tribes) and Sponsors, the Triggered [Right], Law of Attraction, The Golden Age/New Earth, and More!
Tucker Carlson and Tony Robbins: WAR THIS, COVID THAT—5 Blockades Keeping You From Success, and How to Overcome Them! | WE in 5D: An Unlikely Pairing, You'd Think, But Let This Be a Sign of 5D Timelines for Yourself and Those Involved!
Ashayana Deane—HISTORY: “Jesus Christ” or Accurately Described [The Kryst (Yeshua-12 Melkizadek)], The False Cruci-FICTION, The 3 “Christs”, and the Creation of The Bible! ✷ Arguably the Most Sophisticated Esoteric Knowledge to Date
Kerry Cassidy Interviewed by Sacha Stone—Topics Include: “Contrast” in Higher Dimensions (ALL Beings Have Self-Interest), President Trump and “Q”, and More!