most relaxing music, stress relief

2 years ago

most relaxing music, stress relief will bring your time for relaxation journey in several minutes.. is so relaxing because this music is healthy music and most relaxing song tuning to 528hz frequency.

528hz music vibration have a lot benefit. same like healing music.. listen this music can reducing of cortisol hormone level, releases serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, recharge your amount energy, mood booster, upgrade your positive feeling and thinking and also stress relief...

the function this music will help you make upgrade mental healthy and psychology. your immune will be strong and rise up because you in positive mood level, that`s why your body protected from viruses and disease.. you will feel happy, abundant, grateful and the important no fear.. so relaxing.. all positive will coming..

this is psychology knowledge, not a lot people know it.. and we can conclude that health is not expensive, we just need to take care of it by giving good vibes, a good heart, and listening the good vibration.. all healthy we manage with in positive mood first.

This positive vibration is closely connected with LOA or Low of attraction, which is the law of pure nature which is undeniable about the law of attraction to energy .. all what you want will definitely be achieved .. be it good or bad wishes that is what is called "the secret".

less than 5% of the world's people know this knowledge, maybe you are lucky to have heard and practiced it... learn more about LOA and Sublimation because it relates to the media that we hear today

if you know about the 9 ancient solfeggio music, 528hz its one of them.. the position vibration same with mother nature vibration and universe too.. all in 528hz frequency..

mother nature can work healing alone.. same like your body you can healing yourself, of course you must have media to impulse for working and 528hz is one of media for impulse.

in yoga meditative theory 528hz can use for open and cleansing your solar plexus chakra or heart charka.. that why 528hz it so important for your body.

the media 528hz vibration we input in this music.. we are tuning and change the pitch become (A4, 444hz ) similar with 528hz frequency.

this music it's good for studying music, relaxing, sleeping music, Spa, Therapy, sleep meditation, working in office, chill in coffee bar and listen while driving a vehicle. most relaxing song can get a lot in this channel you can take.. please download and use with earphone for maximal benefit.

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