Business Podcasts | Myron Kirkpatrick | Myron Kirkpatrick Shares How Implementing Clay Clark’s Proven Checklists, Profitability Coaching & Best-Practice Processes Has Led to the 20X Growth of White Glove Auto Over the Past 6.5 Years
Business Podcasts | Why Achieving Massive SUCCESS Is Not Normal + "You Have Enemies? Good. That Means You've Stood Up for Something Sometime In Your Life." - Winston Churchill (The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945)
Finding Funny | Why If You Are Going to Be Honest You Better Be Funny + The 6 Aspects That Must Be Involved In Every SUCCESSFUL Staff Meeting + The 488% Growth of Peak Business Valuation
Drifting | “Drifting, Without Aim or Purpose, Is the First Cause of Failure.” - Napoleon Hill (The Best-selling Author of Think & Grow Rich - The Author Clay Clark Named His Son After) + Don’t Allow SMELLS to Turn Your Business Into a Dystopian