Mind Blowing Evidence Words Literally Change Matter, Look

5 years ago

Incredible Evidence, Matter is Changed by Words
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Recently met Michiko Hayashi from Emoto Peace Project. We discussed the Power of Words, Thoughts and Writing and its effects on Water. Michiko was a personal assistant to Dr Emoto and has since continued his work to change the world. Many Humans are about 60% water, so this is extremely important. Check out more independent research a Leak Project listener has sent in showing the power of Words. This is the Email below
"Hi Rex,
I sent couple of e-mails to you before. This is about Dr. Emoto experiment. I did Emoto rice experiment at home last year. I cooked rice and put them in 3 different jars. Labelled them as love, ignore and hate. I talked to the jars every day for around 3 weeks. I said "I love you, I thank you , you are beautiful" to the love jar. I said "I hate you, you are ugly, you are the worst rice in the world" to the hate jar. And I ignored the ignore jar. I attached the pictures of the jars at the end of the experiment. As you will see, the rice in the love jar was beautiful and white with no mold, the rice in the ignore jar had some mold in one particular location like an eye, and the rice in the hate jar was really disgusting, all moldy.

Wow, how Incredible is this?!# Might and Wisdom, Abrakadabra

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