1.6.25: What makes a GOOD MOVIE? Medals to EVIL for ALL to SEE, Great AWAKENING! PRAY!
11.27.24: NIH super pick, A good ‘movie’ provides truth, All relevant, Deportation ALLIANCE, PRAY!
10.21.24: Battle LINES clear, Good vs Evil, Half of Christians not voting? Vote Machines acting up again? PRAY!
9.8.22 - AWK INTERVIEW with Eric Trump + Clark “We are the United States of America and should be the BEST at what WE DO!” PRAY!
8.26.24: Good vs EVIL, Not about Party Affiliation, The enemy will FAIL, RFK JR booms, Pray!
(7/12/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 63 | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States
9.10.23: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Over time Precious Metals is BEST MODEL EVER. PRAY!
1.12.25: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Why Silver Shines as GREAT INVESTMENT, Greenland, CANADA, GOOD NEWS, PRAY!
Captain Kyle w CaptKyle Patriots BEST Explanation of Nesara Gesara & Quanatum Financial System
Inside Job: You Come At The King, You Best Not Miss on Red Pill News Live
7.18.24: LT w/ Kim Bright of Brightcore, War between good & bad bacteria, Get our GUT in check, Pray!
7.3.23: GOOD vs. Evil on FULL DISPLAY, SC proves we are WAKING UP! Stay Together! PRAY!
PODCAST #336 : The Prosecco Podcast Ep72 - Their best and worst Lowdown reviews!