1. The Coercion of Richard Hopkins, USPS Whistleblower, and the Gaslighting of America

    The Coercion of Richard Hopkins, USPS Whistleblower, and the Gaslighting of America

  2. Critical Race Theory Part 1: Does It Support or Detract from Harmony among All Peoples?

    Critical Race Theory Part 1: Does It Support or Detract from Harmony among All Peoples?

  3. Shutdown DC: The Theory and Practice of Anarchy - Critical Race Theory Part 3

    Shutdown DC: The Theory and Practice of Anarchy - Critical Race Theory Part 3

  4. Liberal Privilege: Does It Exist; Who Has It; What Will They Do With It?

    Liberal Privilege: Does It Exist; Who Has It; What Will They Do With It?

  5. Critical Race Theory Part 2: "Protest Culture" & How Societal Divisions Are Perpetuated

    Critical Race Theory Part 2: "Protest Culture" & How Societal Divisions Are Perpetuated

  6. Killshots, Inappropriate Laughter, and THE FLY: VP Debate Analysis

    Killshots, Inappropriate Laughter, and THE FLY: VP Debate Analysis

  7. News Analyst's Digest: Mid-July 2020 Impactful Events & Developments

    News Analyst's Digest: Mid-July 2020 Impactful Events & Developments

  8. What To Look For In A Pet Supplement with Spencer Matthews from Poli Pet Products

    What To Look For In A Pet Supplement with Spencer Matthews from Poli Pet Products

  9. New Knowledge/Yonder & Accel Partners: Influence to Shape the Future of Humanity

    New Knowledge/Yonder & Accel Partners: Influence to Shape the Future of Humanity

  10. Were Past Mexican Presidents Complicit in Fast & Furious? Mexican Consulate Is Gathering Documents

    Were Past Mexican Presidents Complicit in Fast & Furious? Mexican Consulate Is Gathering Documents

  11. Riots in Rochester and Elsewhere: Protection Racket, Destabilization, or Both?

    Riots in Rochester and Elsewhere: Protection Racket, Destabilization, or Both?

  12. Nobody Asks the Students: What Do You Think of Masks in School?

    Nobody Asks the Students: What Do You Think of Masks in School?

  13. Does the Oil Market Crash Signal the End of the Currency Confidence Game?

    Does the Oil Market Crash Signal the End of the Currency Confidence Game?

  14. COVID, the Daily Press Briefing, and the Struggle for America's Future

    COVID, the Daily Press Briefing, and the Struggle for America's Future

  15. Hunter Biden''s Sweetheart Ukraine Deal: the Relic of a Failed Hillary Presidential Bid

    Hunter Biden''s Sweetheart Ukraine Deal: the Relic of a Failed Hillary Presidential Bid
