7 months agoTrump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt Was Very "Good" Acting! (THE MAGICIAN TRICK)Medjay of Christ
7 months agoTrump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt "fulfilling" Revelation 13:3 (DEEP STATE PSYOP/DEEP STATE FILMS)Medjay of Christ
7 months agoWho is behind the Trump "shooting" ? Dollar Vigilante guts this motion pictureMedjay of Christ
6 months agoCOVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - PART SIX - PREMEDITATED DEMOCIDE (DEMONS)Medjay of Christ
2 months agoYuri Bezmenov exposed the Control of Western Society by KGB (Los Angeles 1983)Medjay of Christ
1 month agoDELUSIONAL Muslim THOUGHT He Could COOK Sam Shamoun... It Goes HORRIBLY WrongSam Shamoun Debates